Meaning of Bank Guarantee and study under URDG 758 of ICC Paris .
Meaning of Suretyship under the Lebanese code of obligation and contracts.
What is the difference between Bank independenus guarantee suretyship – when to use and how to use .
Samples of independent bank guarantee and surety ship, various examples.
The weak points of URDG 758 , the counter guarantee how to use and when to use ,how to avoid the problems under counter guarantees and how the counter guarantee must be worked.
The problems between banks when executing the counter guarantee.
The relationships between banks and parties in guarantees and counter guarantees.
The suretyship issued on the background of the bank counter guarantee and what avoid
Human resources involved in documentary collection, financial head staffs, Risk management people, LC trainees & Credit risk people in the banks and companies. Staff involved in the commercial departments of the companies.